Hidden Oaks Horses
Creating Harmonious
Horse & Rider Partnerships!

Welcome to Hidden Oaks Horses!
'Creating Harmonious Horse and Rider Partnerships' has been the motto at Hidden Oaks Horses since 1996 and continues to be the true focus.
With a blend of Dressage and Horsemanship Training, Hidden Oaks Horses offers complete support and assistance in finding Harmony with your equine partner. Whatever your chosen discipline or horse sport - competitive or personal enjoyment - Hidden Oaks provides:
*Tailored Lesson and Training programs
*Purchasing assistance or Breeding for a special new partner
*Video subscription service for additional education
*Clinics, Camps, and Retreats
*The Blog with tidbits of thought provoking and fun information.
Originally located in Missouri, Marina Parris Woodhead, Owner and Trainer
of Hidden Oaks Horses, relocated to the breathtaking Wallowa Mountains of Northeastern Oregon in 2012. Rich in the history of the horse - from the Nez Perce Indians to the Dorrance Brothers - the area offers a uniquely old fashioned and yet, modern horse culture, that fosters the mission of Hidden Oaks Horses. The new facility in Joseph, Oregon is constructed to be a beautiful and friendly training base with luxurious environment for horses and riders.
There's enthusiasm and passion for the horse, the rider, and the educational journey at Hidden Oaks Horses with a desire to bring all the elements together into a fun and intriguing journey of understanding and development of athleticism, mental acuity, and confidence for horses and riders.
Come join us! The Dressage and Horsemanship journey may be challenging mentally and physically for both horse and rider, but through education and understanding, it is uniquely rewarding.
Please enjoy browsing this site and contact Hidden Oaks Horses to begin your own journey to Harmony with your Horse!